Brandice, Joel and Ethan / by Rebecca Tillett

It's probably obvious, based on my usual subject matter, that family photography is not my forte. I sometimes make exceptions for those I've shot previously or anyone close to me in my life but even then, I tend to have a "Thanks for asking but that's not my specialty" ready to go in my arsenal of responses to the "Won't you take pictures of my family?" question, just in case. Brandice is one of my wonderful models (I also shot her maternity photos last year) who had originally asked me this summer if I would shoot her little family and I happily agreed but it didn't work out. She approached me again in October but I had to decline because work and school have been occupying too much of my time but what do you say when you're then begged, offered copious amounts of liquor, song-singing and money? Well, you can't say no. That's all I know.

So on a beautiful November late afternoon a few weeks ago, I shot her, Joel and their little Ethan and afterward, I needed a drink. The amount of energy required for children is obscene and I have infinite respect for all the parents out there who do it on a daily basis with few to no breaks. Seriously, I salute you!

So despite Ethan's resistance to anything resembling posing or smiling for my camera and me, we still got some wonderful shots. Some of my favorites are below (they can be clicked for bigger versions).

Also worth noting: this was the most he'd ever walked. That's awesome.